Quote for the Week

A person focused on mutual benefit does not view life as a competition that only some people can win. Rather, one considers what is best for the greater good, something the Buddha described as benefiting both self and others. This is not the greater good that sacrifices some for the welfare of the majority. It… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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Zen Meditation Retreat with Genjo Marinello Osho

Saturday, April 23 9:00 – 3:30 pm. This will be a hybrid retreat with 10 people in-person and others joining online via Zoom. The retreat will be hosted by the Walla Walla Dharma Sangha (WWDS) and held in Walla Walla. All in-person slots are full. Registration is now open for participation in the retreat via Zoom, please register by… Continue reading Zen Meditation Retreat with Genjo Marinello Osho

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Meeting News 4/4/22

We have three online meditations a week, on Wednesday morning, Thursday evening, and Saturday morning. The Zoom links for those meetings can be found on the Events Calendar and you will also find more detailed information below. You’re welcome to join us online for any of the 3 meetings each week. In addition to our… Continue reading Meeting News 4/4/22

Quote for the Week

In speaking of the welfare of others at the same time he spoke of one’s own welfare, the Buddha was clearly aiming this path factor at both personal liberation and human flourishing. So it invites us to ask whether right action applies only to our personal path or must extend to our relationships and to… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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Upcoming Daylong Retreats for 2022

Several retreats have been scheduled for the remainder of 2022. Information about the topics for the retreats will be posted when available. The venues and formats for the retreats are still uncertain, depending on whether the retreat is held online or in-person. The choice of format will be an individual decision for each retreat based on discussions with… Continue reading Upcoming Daylong Retreats for 2022

Categorized as Retreats

Meeting News 3/21/22

We have three online meditations a week, on Wednesday morning, Thursday evening, and Saturday morning. The Zoom links for those meetings can be found on the Events Calendar and you will also find more detailed information below. You’re welcome to join us online for any of the 3 meetings each week. In addition to our… Continue reading Meeting News 3/21/22

Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

If you don’t have Gregory Kramer’s book, Insight Dialogue: The Interpersonal Path to Freedom, you can find brief introductions to each of the Insight Dialogue guidelines at this website: Insight Dialogue Community. You can also find some excellent approaches to learning to listen deeply and speak from the heart at Oren Jay Sofer’s website, including the… Continue reading Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

Quote for the Week

Paradoxically, attending to impermanence gives us a certain stability. It involves renouncing a pseudosafety and releases us from the pain of fearing change. In Tibetan Buddhist teachings the spirit of emergence is seen as reinforcing calmness.~ Gregory Kramer, Insight Dialogue: The Interpersonal Path to Freedom.

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Events tonight (3/18) and tomorrow (3/19) with Keri Pederson

Tonight, Keri will be leading a meditation and offering a talk on “Growing a Heart that is Confident, Steadfast, and Firm.” The focus will be on how our practice naturally leads to greater strength, resilience, and stability of heart, mind, and body.  Keri is a meditation teacher with Seattle Insight Meditation Society. The Friday evening… Continue reading Events tonight (3/18) and tomorrow (3/19) with Keri Pederson