Several retreats have been scheduled for the remainder of 2022. Information about the topics for the retreats will be posted when available. The venues and formats for the retreats are still uncertain, depending on whether the retreat is held online or in-person. The choice of format will be an individual decision for each retreat based on discussions with the teacher and the current guidelines from public health officials a month or so before each retreat. The dates, the teachers, and the hosting sangha are given below:
- April 23, 2022 – Genjo Marinello Osho, abbot of Choboji Zen Temple, Seattle. Retreat hosted by Walla Walla Dharma Sangha (WWDS).
- May 28, 2022 – Tuere Sala, co-guiding teacher of Seattle Insight Meditation Society. Retreat hosted by Insight Meditation of the Mid-Columbia (IMMC).
- July 23, 2022 – Dori Langevin, guiding teacher of Mainstream Mindfulness, Spokane. Retreat hosted by IMMC.
- September 10, 2022 – Chris Murray, guiding teacher of Insight Meditation of the Mid-Columbia. Retreat hosted by IMMC.
- November 5, 2022 – Debra Seido Martin, guiding teacher of Zen West – Empty Field, Eugene. Retreat hosted by WWDS.