Chris Murray
Guiding Teacher

Chris Murray is the guiding teacher for Insight Meditation of the Mid-Columbia, which he founded in 2006 at the request of community members. He has been meditating since 1969 and has had a daily Buddhist meditation practice since 1975. Chris was approved to teach meditation and to lead Insight Meditation of the Mid-Columbia by Narayan Helen Liebenson, co-guiding teacher of Cambridge Insight Meditation Center, and Rodney Smith, founding teacher of the Seattle Insight Meditation Society. In his practice and teaching, Chris emphasizes opening to awareness, kindness, and compassion in daily life.
Chris has a PhD in earth sciences from Stanford University and is a retired geostatistician and environmental geologist. He enjoys hiking, birdwatching, and reading. His wife, children, and grandchildren bring him great joy. Chris is also Executive Director of the non-profit corporation that supports the meditation group.
IMMC Board of Directors

Michael Barnes is a retired farmer. He began meditating in 2009 after taking the beginning meditation series. He continues to be inspired by the dedication and caring spirit of the IMMC Sangha. He spends much of his time gardening, cycling, and skiing.

Chandra Sadro was first introduced to meditation while living in Hawaii and studying Buddhism in college. After graduating with a degree in Fine Art she moved to Washington state and enjoyed an exciting Interior Design career. She left her design practice in 2021 and decided to move across the Cascades and call the quiet desert town of Richland home. She has been meditating in earnest since 2017 and has found her Sangha with the IMMC. Chandra enjoys writing poetry, time in her studio making art, the company of her grandchildren, as well as exploring new ideas and places. Chandra is serving as Treasurer for the IMMC.

Lauren Caslin began meditating with IMMC in 2013 after taking Introductory classes from Chris Murray. Her previous experience with meditation was eye-opening, but a solo adventure. She was excited to find supportive community and wise guidance within the IMMC group at a time in her life that was dedicated to raising her three young children. After sitting for some time with the Saturday morning group, she volunteered to manage an additional sitting time during the week as her youngest entered Kindergarten and she had 2.5 hours when all three children were at school! She feels deeply grateful for the ongoing teaching, support and community that is offered to her through her connection with IMMC. Lauren presently serves as Secretary for the IMMC.

Mary Jo Coblentz retired in 2010 and has been meditating with the IMMC Sangha since that time. She also enjoys several outdoor activities, as well as painting and drawing. She is grateful for her practice and her Buddhist studies and for the ongoing shifts they have brought about in her life.

C.T. Kang (AKA Cool Tomato) is a businessman. He first learned meditation from The Lord of Universe Church (a branch of Daoism) in 2010. Then he took part in three 10-day Vipassana Courses as taught by Mr. Goenka between 2016-2018. Later, under the guidance of Zen Master Hui Men (慧門禪師) in Taiwan, he converted to Buddhism four years ago (2018). “Who am I?”, “Where did I come from before I was born?” and “Where am I going after my death?” are the three questions which are always on his mind. C.T. also goes to Coyote Ridge Corrections Center weekly to lead the meditation group there. Visit our Outreach Programs page for more details on our program at Coyote Ridge.