“The body scan has proven to be an extremely powerful and healing form of meditation. It forms the core of the lying down practices that people train in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. It involves systematically sweeping through the body with the mind, bringing an affectionate, openhearted, interested attention to its various regions.” Jon Kabat Zinn See:… Continue reading Quote for the week:
Meeting News 8/8/22
The current series of Thursday night talks are exploring topics related to meditation in more detail, starting with the approaches recommended for developing mindfulness. The talks for the next couple of months will be based on the Satipatthana Sutta, the Buddha’s discourse on the foundations of mindfulness. In that discourse the Buddha gave a clear description… Continue reading Meeting News 8/8/22
Updated Resources for Meditation and Support
Thich Nhat Hanh was noted for his devotion to the practice of walking meditation and mindful walking in general. An article that describes the practice and its connection to reverence for the earth can be found here: Thich Nhat Hanh on Walking Meditation Ajahn Sucitto has an article on the practice of standing meditation that you can… Continue reading Updated Resources for Meditation and Support
Quote for the Week
” Each mindful breath, each mindful step, reminds us that we are alive on this beautiful planet. We don’t need anything else. It is wonderful enough just to be alive, to breathe in, and to make one step.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh Please see: Thich Nhat Hanh on Walking Meditation
Meeting News 7/25/22
We’re nearly finished with the series of talks on the Buddha’s eightfold path for the release of stress and suffering. For the next series of talks we’ll explore topics related to meditation in more detail, starting with the approaches recommended for developing mindfulness. The talks for the next couple of months will be based on the Satipatthana… Continue reading Meeting News 7/25/22
Updated Resources for Meditation and Support
Phillip Moffitt interviewed Bhikkhu Analayo on his approach to the Satipatthana teachings on mindfulness meditation. You can find that interview here: Venerable Bhikkhu Analayo on the Satipatthana Sutta Bhikkhu Bodhi has an article on the four foundations of mindfulness that captures the main ideas of the Buddha’s teachings on mindfulness. You can find that article here: The Buddha’s… Continue reading Updated Resources for Meditation and Support
Quote for the Week
“Visualizing the practice in terms of a coming back to the presence of a good friend helps to avoid mistaking sati [mindfulness] for a forceful type of hyper-attentiveness that requires strained effort in order to be maintained. Instead, being in her presence carries the flavours of an open receptivity and a soft alertness to whatever… Continue reading Quote for the Week
Friday Evening Meditation and Talk with Dori Langevin 7/22
Dori Langevin will lead meditation and give a Dharma talk with time for discussion this Friday, July 22, 2022. The topic for Dori’s talk on Friday evening will be Seeing the Goodness and Gladdening the Heart-Mind , the same as the topic for the retreat on Saturday. The Friday evening event will be online using… Continue reading Friday Evening Meditation and Talk with Dori Langevin 7/22
Meeting News 7/11/22
The in-person meditation session on Wednesday, July 27th is cancelled. Regular meetings will resume the following week. We have three online meditations a week, on Wednesday morning, Thursday evening, and Saturday morning. The Zoom links for those meetings can be found on the Events Calendar and you will also find more detailed information below. You’re… Continue reading Meeting News 7/11/22
Updated Resources for Meditation and Support
Andrea Fella provides a good description of different forms of concentration and ways to practice with them, also the way in which concentration can lead to greater awareness and insight. You can find that article here: Concentration Thanisarro Bhikkhu discusses the relationship between wise concentration and wise mindfulness in this article, and makes clear that the… Continue reading Updated Resources for Meditation and Support