Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

Gil Fronsdal provides a good description of different forms of doubt, both as a hindrance and as an aid in our learning to see clearly. He also discusses useful approaches to respond to doubt when it is a hindrance. You can find his article here: Doubting Doubt: Practicing with the Final Hindrance. This article by Jack Kornfield provides… Continue reading Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

Gil Fronsdal provides a good discussion of the hindrance of restlessness and worry and the importance of working with it in order to settle the mind and see clearly. You can find his article here: The Hindrance of Restlessness and Worry. Another good article on restlessness and worry comes from the Bellingham Insight Meditation Society. You… Continue reading Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

Gil Fronsdal provides a good discussion of the hindrance of sleepiness and sluggishness, classically translated as “sloth and torpor.” He includes information on many of the causes of lethargy and ways that we can be aware of it and work with it. You can find his article here: The Hindrance of Sloth and Torpor

Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

Gil Fronsdal describes the hindrance of ill will, including anger and aversion, and describes some strategies for relating to aversion. You can find his article here: The Hindrance of Ill Will Thanissara, a Buddhist teacher and social activist, talks about the importance of anger and the ways in which it can help wake us up to the… Continue reading Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

Becoming aware of the hindrances and learning how to work with them skillfully is an important part of meditation and mindfulness in daily life. Jack Kornfield discusses the hindrances and ways to work with them that don’t foster more aversion in this article: Obstacles are Part of the Path. Gil Fronsdal has a good resource on… Continue reading Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

Updated Resources for Meditaton and Support

This article explains how the hindrances can block clear seeing and describes ways to recognize and work with hindrances when they arise.  Hindrances to Clear Seeing Here are a number of practical resources to explore one of the most common of hindrances: anger.  Resources: Awakening with Anger A number of well-known meditation, mindfulness, and yoga… Continue reading Updated Resources for Meditaton and Support

Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

Here is a brief article by Kim Allen that describes feeling-tones (vedana), and why they’re so important in mindfulness practice: The Power of Feeling Tone. There is a resource page that lists a number of articles, guided meditations, and recorded talks on mindfulness of feeling-tones. You can find that page here: Common Ground Meditation The Introduction to the… Continue reading Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

Larry Rosenberg provides a good description of approaches to practicing with awareness of death as a way to re-orient our priorities in life, and through that awareness let go of some of the pettiness that we may experience in our relationships with others. You can find that article here: Death Awareness. A related practice that can be… Continue reading Updated Resources for Meditation and Support