Quote For The Week

“Having physical form, feelings, and perceptions means being touched continually by the pleasant and unpleasant things of this physical world. But we also experience suffering that does not derive from physical or biological situations. Sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, and distress derive from our reactions to the situations we experience, not the situations themselves.”  ~ Gregory Kramer, Insight Dialogue:… Continue reading Quote For The Week

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Quote For The Week

Donald Rothberg

“I believe that many of us genuinely feel called to a vision of our lives in which inner and outer transformation are connected. Knowing that we don’t have to do everything, that there are many aspects to transformation, frees us to listen for a calling, for the very specific way in which we might live this… Continue reading Quote For The Week

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Quote For The Week

Donald Rothberg

“Following the principle of non attachment to outcome seems to present us with a radical spiritual paradox whenever we act in the world, whether as a meditator, parent, teacher, or activist: How can we act decisively, energetically, passionately, wisely, and compassionately while giving up our attachment to the results of our actions?”  ~ Donald Rothberg, The Engaged… Continue reading Quote For The Week

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Quote For The Week

Donald Rothberg

“The term upekkha [usually translated as equanimity] literally means ‘balance.’ Equanimity can be understood as evenmindedness, the ability to be present as fully as possible with all experiences – whether we are focused primarily on our internal world or on the external world – with an open heart and clear seeing, without reactivity.”  ~ Donald Rothberg, The Engaged… Continue reading Quote For The Week

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Quote for the week

Donald Rothberg

“Working with our suffering grants us three great gifts: The gift of compassion, the gift of understanding, and the gift of safety, of not passing on our pain to ourselves and to others. These gifts are central to our skillful action in the world.” – Donald Rothberg, The Engaged Spiritual Life

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Quote for the week

Joanna Macy

Feeling the pain of the world is not a weakness. This is God-given or, put another way, an aspect of our Buddha nature. This openness of heart that characterizes the caring individual is a function of maturity. Don’t ever apologize for the tears you shed on behalf of other beings. This is, in its essence,… Continue reading Quote for the week

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Quote For The Week

Donald Rothberg

“The heart of transformative work with anger is to separate out the intelligence and the energy of anger from its reactivity, permitting action based more in wisdom and compassion.” ~ Donald Rothberg

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Quote For The Week

“We’re trying to be very inclusive – receptive and open. To allow for others to be different. To allow for racial differences, gender differences, differences in interest – allow people to be the way they are. That doesn’t mean that I have to be like them, but it does mean that there can be space… Continue reading Quote For The Week

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Quote for the week:

“To perfect my equanimity, I need to accept every experience into my awareness. I cannot refuse to pay attention. Refusing itself, the mind tensing in withdrawal, is suffering. And turning the mind away, refusing to look, would preclude clear and complete seeing. When my mind greets all moments with equal respect, it maintains stature enough… Continue reading Quote for the week:

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Quote for the week:

The bud stands for all things,even for those things that don’t flower, for everything flowers, from within, of self blessing;though sometimes it is necessary to reteach a thing its loveliness, to put a hand on the brow of the flower, and retell it in words and in touch,it is lovely until it flowers again from… Continue reading Quote for the week:

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