Quote for the week:

“To perfect my equanimity, I need to accept every experience into my awareness. I cannot refuse to pay attention. Refusing itself, the mind tensing in withdrawal, is suffering. And turning the mind away, refusing to look, would preclude clear and complete seeing. When my mind greets all moments with equal respect, it maintains stature enough… Continue reading Quote for the week:

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Quote for the week:

The bud stands for all things,even for those things that don’t flower, for everything flowers, from within, of self blessing;though sometimes it is necessary to reteach a thing its loveliness, to put a hand on the brow of the flower, and retell it in words and in touch,it is lovely until it flowers again from… Continue reading Quote for the week:

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Quote for the week:

In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins–not through strength, but through perseverance. ~ H. Jackson Brown Jr.

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