Quote for the Week

“I did not understand how crucial joy and ease are to right effort. Sometimes, right effort is like the strenuous effort required to turn the soil and plant our gardens; other times it is like the steady gentle application of the sun’s heat as it slowly penetrates the soil and warms the seeds. Discerning which… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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Quote for the Week

“Our look at wise livelihood includes how the goods and services that support life circulate among people, both locally and in society as a whole. It encompasses a variety of economic interactions with the world — the support of our families, the social and environmental impact of our investments, the employment practices of stores where… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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Quote for the Week

A person focused on mutual benefit does not view life as a competition that only some people can win. Rather, one considers what is best for the greater good, something the Buddha described as benefiting both self and others. This is not the greater good that sacrifices some for the welfare of the majority. It… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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Quote for the Week

In speaking of the welfare of others at the same time he spoke of one’s own welfare, the Buddha was clearly aiming this path factor at both personal liberation and human flourishing. So it invites us to ask whether right action applies only to our personal path or must extend to our relationships and to… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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Quote for the Week

Paradoxically, attending to impermanence gives us a certain stability. It involves renouncing a pseudosafety and releases us from the pain of fearing change. In Tibetan Buddhist teachings the spirit of emergence is seen as reinforcing calmness.~ Gregory Kramer, Insight Dialogue: The Interpersonal Path to Freedom.

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Quote For The Week

“If you are facing the right direction, all you need to do is keep on walking.”~ Joseph Goldstein

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Quote For The Week

“Language can bind us together in collective selfishness or shared compassion. Words aim the mind. This astonishing power to direct and focus attention is what gives communication its potency.”  Gregory Kramer, A Whole-Life Path

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Quote For The Week

“Think about one of your wholesome character traits. Perhaps you are concerned with and active in racial or economic justice… Caring about racial justice has roots in compassion and non-harming. Fully tracing the origins of this wholesome quality will not be possible, but as you sit here now, can you locate any specific people, jobs,… Continue reading Quote For The Week

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Quote For The Week

“Right intention is also the aim of the heart. It has to do with purpose and motivation, and it flows from an unspoken sense of direction that connects our life perspective with how we act. It is the emotional element that flows from right view and gives impetus to right speech, right action, and right livelihood.” Gregory Kramer, A… Continue reading Quote For The Week

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Quote For The Week

“Throughout life, we may notice both slow and abrupt changes in the body. With ever-changing experiences of gain and loss, pleasure and pain, we are given opportunities to confront the knot of grasping and experience its release. Such insights into impermanence, suffering, and not-self correspond to traditional definitions of right view.” Gregory Kramer – A Whole-Life Path

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