Quote for the week:

“The body scan has proven to be an extremely powerful and healing form of meditation. It forms the core of the lying down practices that people train in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. It involves systematically sweeping through the body with the mind, bringing an affectionate, openhearted, interested attention to its various regions.”  Jon Kabat Zinn See:… Continue reading Quote for the week:

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Quote for the Week

” Each mindful breath, each mindful step, reminds us that we are alive on this beautiful planet. We don’t need anything else. It is wonderful enough just to be alive, to breathe in, and to make one step.”  ~ Thich Nhat Hanh Please see: Thich Nhat Hanh on Walking Meditation

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Quote for the Week

“Visualizing the practice in terms of a coming back to the presence of a good friend helps to avoid mistaking sati [mindfulness] for a forceful type of hyper-attentiveness that requires strained effort in order to be maintained. Instead, being in her presence carries the flavours of an open receptivity and a soft alertness to whatever… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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Quote for the Week

When you actu­ally look at what the Buddha taught, he never separates these two practices [mindfulness and concentration]. They are both parts of a single whole. Every time he explains mindfulness and its place in the path, he makes it clear that the purpose of mindfulness practice is to lead the mind into a state… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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Quote for the Week

“I think of ‘enjoyment’ as ‘receiving joy’; and samādhi as the art of refined enjoyment. It is the careful collecting of oneself to the joy of the present moment. Joyfulness means there’s no fear, no tension, no ought to. There isn’t anything we have to do about it. So there is stillness. It’s just this.”  Ajahn Sucitto,… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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Quote for the Week

“The starting point for most meditators is also the most reliable point of return at any stage of development, for formal and informal, personal and interpersonal practice: the body. Its immediateness, its tangible felt quality, makes it a workable starting point for setting up awareness.” Gregory Kramer, “A Whole-Life Path”

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Quote for the Week

“If we are not aware of our thoughts and actions, they will spring only from habit. The mind just rolls on according to its conditioning. This may produce wholesome or unwholesome results. Without mindfulness there is only a stream of reactions to circumstances; with mindfulness there is choice. Mindfulness is the inflection point of freedom.” ~… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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Quote for the Week

“I did not understand how crucial joy and ease are to right effort. Sometimes, right effort is like the strenuous effort required to turn the soil and plant our gardens; other times it is like the steady gentle application of the sun’s heat as it slowly penetrates the soil and warms the seeds. Discerning which… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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Quote for the Week

“Our look at wise livelihood includes how the goods and services that support life circulate among people, both locally and in society as a whole. It encompasses a variety of economic interactions with the world — the support of our families, the social and environmental impact of our investments, the employment practices of stores where… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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Quote for the Week

A person focused on mutual benefit does not view life as a competition that only some people can win. Rather, one considers what is best for the greater good, something the Buddha described as benefiting both self and others. This is not the greater good that sacrifices some for the welfare of the majority. It… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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