Quote for the week

Joanna Macy

Feeling the pain of the world is not a weakness. This is God-given or, put another way, an aspect of our Buddha nature. This openness of heart that characterizes the caring individual is a function of maturity. Don’t ever apologize for the tears you shed on behalf of other beings. This is, in its essence,… Continue reading Quote for the week

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Meeting News

We have three online meditations a week, on Wednesday morning, Thursday evening, and Saturday morning. The Zoom links for those meetings can be found on the Events Calendar and you will also find more detailed information below. You’re welcome to join us online for any of the 3 meetings each week. In addition to our… Continue reading Meeting News

Updated Resources

This article by Pema Chodron explores the practice of patience as a way to respond to anger. You can find that article here: The Answer to Anger & Agrression is Patience Thanissara, a social activist and Buddhist teacher, suggests that we embrace the power of anger to motivate us in the face of threats to… Continue reading Updated Resources

Meeting News

We have three online meditations a week, on Wednesday morning, Thursday evening, and Saturday morning. The Zoom links for the meetings can be found at the Events Calendar. You’re welcome to join us online for any of the 3 meetings each week. In addition to our regular online meetings, we are now meeting for in-person… Continue reading Meeting News

Quote For The Week

Donald Rothberg

“The heart of transformative work with anger is to separate out the intelligence and the energy of anger from its reactivity, permitting action based more in wisdom and compassion.” ~ Donald Rothberg

Categorized as Quotes

Meeting News

We have three online meditations a week, on Wednesday morning, Thursday evening, and Saturday morning. The Zoom links for the meetings can be found at the Events Calendar. You’re welcome to join us online for any of the 3 meetings each week. In addition to our regular online meetings, we are now meeting for in-person… Continue reading Meeting News

Updated Resources

Updated Resources for Meditation and Support in Challenging Times:An interview of Bhikkhu Analayo provides a good introduction to his ideas on the early Buddhist teachings on non-attachment to views. Like Donald Rothberg, Analayo points out that we don’t need to give up our views, but that we don’t need to be so dogmatic about defending them. You… Continue reading Updated Resources

Quote For The Week

“We’re trying to be very inclusive – receptive and open. To allow for others to be different. To allow for racial differences, gender differences, differences in interest – allow people to be the way they are. That doesn’t mean that I have to be like them, but it does mean that there can be space… Continue reading Quote For The Week

Categorized as Quotes

In Person Meditations Begin

In addition to our regular online meetings, we are now holding an outdoor in-person meditation meeting on Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. and Saturdays at 8 a.m., behind All Saints Episcopal Church, 1322 Kimball Avenue in Richland. PLEASE NOTE: All Saints will be using the tent next week Monday 7/19 through Friday 7/23 for an educational event,… Continue reading In Person Meditations Begin