Meeting News 11/15/21

We have three online meditations a week, on Wednesday morning, Thursday evening, and Saturday morning. The Zoom links for those meetings can be found on the Events Calendar and you will also find more detailed information below. You’re welcome to join us online for any of the 3 meetings each week. In addition to our… Continue reading Meeting News 11/15/21

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Quote For The Week

“If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace. If you let go completely, you will have complete peace.”  ~ Ajahn Chah

Categorized as Quotes

Meeting News 11/1/21

We have three online meditations a week, on Wednesday morning, Thursday evening, and Saturday morning. The Zoom links for those meetings can be found on the Events Calendar and you will also find more detailed information below. You’re welcome to join us online for any of the 3 meetings each week. In addition to our… Continue reading Meeting News 11/1/21

Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

There’s a good description of personal and interpersonal stress and suffering in an article by Gregory Kramer that you can find here: The Truth of Interpersonal Suffering. The article provides a good introduction to Kramer’s approach to personal, interpersonal, and social stress and dissatisfaction as well as an approach to practice that can free us… Continue reading Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

Quote For The Week

“Notice the ways that people draw attention to themselves – clothing, jokes, attainments – and contemplate the hunger to be seen. Which strategies for gaining attention do you use most? Consider the ancient origins of all of this and allow compassion to manifest in your heart.”  ~ Gregory Kramer, Insight Dialogue: The Interpersonal Path to Freedom

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Meeting News 10/18/21

We have three online meditations a week, on Wednesday morning, Thursday evening, and Saturday morning. The Zoom links for those meetings can be found on the Events Calendar and you will also find more detailed information below. You’re welcome to join us online for any of the 3 meetings each week. In addition to our… Continue reading Meeting News 10/18/21

Updated Resources For Meditation And Support

Rick Hanson has a very good article on the causes of dissatisfaction and suffering that you can find here: The Second Noble Truth – The Noble Truth of the Cause of Suffering The following is an interesting article that, like Kramer, extends the second noble truth to include suffering caused by relational and social interactions,… Continue reading Updated Resources For Meditation And Support

Quote For The Week

“The next time you notice suffering in one of your relationships, see if you can recognize the grasping in it. Are you holding on to an image, a desire to control, a hope or a fear? Does noticing this cause the clinging or pain to change?”~ Gregory Kramer, Insight Dialogue: The Interpersonal Path to Freedom

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