Washington State University and its local branch campus are participating in the National Day of Racial Healing on January 17, 2023. There will be a strong emphasis in the day’s events on healing and contemplation, including guided meditations on pausing, self-compassion, mindfulness, and racial healing and transformation. Two of the events will be guided by members of the Insight Meditation sangha, Kersten Bergstrom and Chris Murray. If you attend any of the in-person events, you’re requested to bring a mask, as some of them will require masks.
You can find information about the WSU-wide event at National Day of Racial Healing. The schedule for the local and online events through WSU Tri-Cities can be found here: Schedule. Links for some of the online events will be added to the online schedule after January 1. If you have any questions about the events or the schedule, please send an email to Kersten Bergstrom at [email protected]