Quote for the Week

There’s peace in cultivating equanimity, and in that peace there is great power; the two go hand in hand. Through equanimity, we fortify ourselves with nonfear, with compassion, with acceptance. We cultivate the strength to face reality without being crushed by it. This is what love looks like. How Equanimity Powers Love ~ Kaira Jewel… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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Quote for the Week

When love meets pain it becomes compassion. When love meets happiness, it becomes joy. Joy is an expression of the awakened heart, a quality of enlightenment. When we live in the present, joy often arises for no reason. Natural Joy ~ Jack Kornfield

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Quote for the Week

There is another type of joy, a much subtler and more sustainable joy that we can uncover. This joy—which I will refer to here as innate or unconditional joy—cannot be exhausted because it resides within us at all times, though it is often hidden. No external stimulus can evoke it, but as we expand our… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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Quote for the Week

Every aspect of you right now, the air that fills your lungs, the clothes that you wear, the food you ate today, all of that comes from outside of you. This ever-present, life-encompassing, compassionate earth sustains you. You are part of this effortless cycle of give and take. You are participating in an exchange with… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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Quote for the Week

Self-compassionate people recognize that being imperfect and experiencing life difficulties is inevitable, so they tend to be gentle with themselves when confronted with painful experiences rather than getting angry when life falls short of set ideals. ~ Kristin Neff Definition of Self Compassion

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Quote for the Week

In the Buddhist tradition, compassion and love are seen as two aspects of the same thing: compassion is the wish for another being to be free from suffering; love is wanting them to have happiness.. ~ The Dalai Lama Living the Compassionate Life

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Quote for the Week

We understand where others are and acknowledge that they want the same thing we want: to be happy and at peace. Then, we nourish this type of care because we recognize that our happiness is completely intertwined. ~ Vanessa Zuisei Goddard Four Ways of Looking at Lovingkindness

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Quote for the Week

Metta meditation, or loving-kindness meditation, is a Buddhist practice for cultivating compassion for ourselves and others through directing loving, friendly phrases and goodwill. The word “metta” is a Pali word, most often translated as loving-kindness, but has also been translated as universal goodwill or loving-friendliness. Metta Meditation: A Complete Guide to Loving-Kindness Meditation

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Quote for the Week

We all have the potential to abide in the Brahmaviharas: loving-kindness, compassion, appreciative joy, and equanimity. When we know how to do this, these capacities become an inner wealth, more valuable than any outer riches. To tap into this wealth, Buddhism teaches practices for developing each of the four capacities of the heart. Love doesn’t… Continue reading Quote for the Week

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Quote for the Week

“When awareness becomes continuous, remembering and knowing the mind at work, practice becomes effortless. The mind becomes familiar and intimate with itself.” ~ Sayadaw U Tejaniya

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