Updated Resources for Meditation and Support

The New Year is a time when many people try to renew or restart their meditation practice. Here are several articles on habit formation and starting over. The practice of starting over can be an especially helpful habit to learn.

Phillip Moffitt discusses the practice of starting over, a practice he initially learned from Sharon Salzberg in this post: Starting Over

We recently celebrated the winter solstice, when days begin to become imperceptibly longer. Taylor Plimpton uses the solstice as an analog for renewal and starting over, ideally at any time of year. You can find his article here: Starting Over, Again

Leo Babauta is a Zen teacher and coach who focuses on habit formation and starting over when we’re learning a new habit. You can find his advice for learning a new habit and starting over when we forget to act on our intentions in this post: Starting, Over and Over Again