Registration is now open for a Zen retreat with Debra Seido Martin on Saturday, November 6th from 9:00 – 3:30 pm. The title is “We Are Still Here.” It will be virtual and the cost is $10. This retreat will be hosted by the Walla Walla Dharma Sangha, and registration will be opened on October 10th. To register, contact Janaki Howard at [email protected]
Seido Martin is the guiding teacher at Empty Field Zen, Eugene, Oregon. She is a Zen teacher, practicing psychotherapist, and organic farmer. Seido has led retreats in our area several times and is a caring, clear and insightful teacher. In addition to meditation, there will be breakout sessions and a dharma talk.
Additional information about the the retreat can be found here: Walla Walla Dharma Sangha.