The next series of Beginning Meditation classes is coming in early July. The series will begin on Sunday, July 2, 2023 and continue for 5 Sunday afternoons. The classes will be conducted online via Zoom. The classes are intended to work together to provide an introduction to meditation or serve as a useful “touchstone” for more experienced practitioners. You are welcome to attend any or all of the classes. Each class can be a stand alone class, and will focus on a different topic. All classes will be from 1:30- 3:00 pm. If you’d like to register for the classes, please send an email to Chris Murray. Please see our Events Calendar for a more detailed description of each class. The dates and topics for the class are as follows:
July 2 – Introduction to Mindfulness and Mindfulness of the Breath
July 9 — Mindfulness Meditation and the Body
July 16 — Mindfulness of Thoughts and Emotions in Meditation
July 23 — Compassion & Loving Kindness Meditation Practices
July 30 – Insight Meditation and Open Awareness